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Join Our Board: UUJEC Request for Nominations


Are you concerned about economic justice? Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC) works with the frontline communities most challenged by economic injustice and the climate crisis. We stay in solidarity with marginalized and oppressed groups, and we affirm Unitarian Universalist principles as we work for empowerment. 

The Nominating Committee of UUJEC is looking for people to serve on the UUJEC Board of Directors. We hope you will consider this opportunity yourself or nominate someone you think would be a valuable addition. Our Board meets monthly by via Zoom that’s usually an hour. In addition, there is usually a planning retreat every summer and UUJEC’s annual meeting which has been done virtually in mid-July since COVID-19. In years when we hold a national conference, a meeting may be held there as well. We are often able to cover some expenses if travel is necessary. Ours is a “working board”—responsibilities between meetings include putting out mailings, preparing for General Assembly programs and our twice monthly Webinar series, writing economic-justice curricula for congregational use, writing grant proposals, staffing booths at GA and other UU meetings, etc.                                  


UUJEC Board of Directors – Responsibilities and Expectations

Serving on our board is a great way to connect with other UUs from across the continent who are actively working on social-justice issues and to keep our Association attentive to current issues and proactive in working for systemic change toward economic justice. The term is for 3 years. We welcome all applicants, especially those from frontline communities most challenged by economic injustice and climate crisis and who can help us reach, aid, lobby, and legislate for their priorities. 

If you are motivated to join us, please reach out via email to Alternatively, feel free to share this information with others you think might be interested. Please respond by Thanksgiving. A ballot will be sent to our active members by November 30. The results of the election will be announced by December 15 and terms begin on January 1. Thanks for your ongoing support for UUJEC. 

Cordially yours, 

UUJEC Nominating Committee


UUJEC's Mission Statement:  of Economic Justice is to engage, educate, and activate Unitarian Universalist individuals and congregations, social justice groups, and their community partners to fulfill our vision of positive systemic change.  Using a process of study, reflection, strategy, and direct action, we work collaboratively "to change the story from Empire to Earth Community".

Meeting Calendar

Our Executive Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month and our full Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month, unless a holiday or election falls on that day. We meet virtually via ZOOM and telephone. If you would like to join our board, one of our meetings or have a question, please send inquiries to  


Board of Directors –Responsibilities and Expectations


Our Guiding Principles - Created in 1989 

2023 Annual Report 

2022 Annual Report

   2021 Annual Report 

   2020 Annual Report 

   2019 Annual Report

   2018 Annual Report 

   2017 Annual Report  

   2015-2016 Bi-Annual Report


UUJEC Virtual Board Retreat August 2021

Our Board Retreat in Kansas City, MO June 19-20, 2018               


Our Board Retreat in New Orleans, LA June 19-20, 2017



Our Board Retreat in Columbus Ohio, June 20, 2016 


Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

UUJEC Privacy Policy - Our subscriber and membership information remains confidential. We use your information to send you news of events and updates that we think would interest you. We also use it to contact you for financial support during our fundraising campaigns. UUJEC does not sell our mailing list to any organization or company. If you are receiving mail from UUJEC and would prefer not to, please notify us by email ( to have your information removed from our mailing lists. If you would like to sign up for our email list and have not done so already, please sign up here.