Healing from Hate, with Moderator Car McCargo
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Healing From Hate examines the root causes of hate group activity through the bold work of those battling intolerance on the front lines, including “Life After Hate”, an organization founded by former Skinheads and neo-Nazis, now engaged in transforming attitudes of intolerance, and groundbreaking sociologist Michael Kimmel (author, Angry White Men, Healing From Hate). Documenting a stunning year of hatred in America, Healing From Hate follows these reformers in their work to de-radicalize White Nationalists, and heal communities torn apart by racism - a deep dig into what's needed to return meaning, identity and tolerance to a generation of disenfranchised white men.
Carl McCargo (M.S.) has been a UU for 34 years. He earned his M.S. in Clinical Psychology in 1981, entitled, “The Differential Portrayal of Black and White Television Families.” Carl has an enduring concern for the insidious and overt ‘teachings’ of racism in our U.S. media
Carl cautions you: It is my view that when you deal with antagonists as an enemy, using a combative approach to social justice (an us against them mentality), corporate leaders, are especially without redeemable characteristics. Therefore, activists overlook and can't access the UU first principle of, "The inherent worth and dignity of everyone." The activists' approach may feel that the only way to "get through" to those people at the top, is via the "sledgehammer" across the head method. And, America sets-up activists for this failure by making the top level executives predominantly white. It is therefore easy for a long-suffering activist who has seen and been a victim of police brutality as a set-up for activists to overlook a more humane approach to social justice work.