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2/26/2018: 2018 UUJEC Partnership Survey


The Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC) strives to create a world of justice, equity and compassion where the inherent worth and dignity of every person is recognized and affirmed as set forth in our Unitarian Universalist Principles.    

We are reaching out to all with whom we have worked to learn from you. Because of the generosity of the Live Oak UU ChurchEndowment Fund, we are able to expand our program offerings. As we build upon our resource base, we want to ensure we are meeting the needs of our members and friends by offering the tools and support necessary for us all to progress in our economic justice work. 

Thank you for taking the time to fill in our survey. If you'd like to share more information or ideas with us, please email us at 

To take the survey, click here.


Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

UUJEC Privacy Policy - Our subscriber and membership information remains confidential. We use your information to send you news of events and updates that we think would interest you. We also use it to contact you for financial support during our fundraising campaigns. UUJEC does not sell our mailing list to any organization or company. If you are receiving mail from UUJEC and would prefer not to, please notify us by email ( to have your information removed from our mailing lists. If you would like to sign up for our email list and have not done so already, please sign up here.