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Why a Sliding Scale?

As an economic justice organization, UUJEC supports the Sliding Scale approach because it allows for people from all economic backgrounds and classes to participate in our events as they are able to. We believe in inclusion and accessibility and encourage members of underrepresented communities in our faith to pay what they can. 

Ride Free Fearless Money offers a great explanation for why Sliding Scale payments are important for inclusion at events:

“The scale is intended to be a map, inviting each of us to take inventory of our financial resources and look deeper at our levels of privilege. It is a way to challenge the classist and capitalist society we live in and work towards economic justice on a local level. While I ask you to take these factors into consideration, please don’t stress about it. Pay what feels right.

When I pay more, I know that I am helping others to access the event. When I pay in the middle, I know I am helping the organizers cover costs. And when I pay at the bottom, I know I am letting my community hold me and support me. 

All of these are wonderful and acceptable ways of participating.

Consider paying less if you:

* are supporting children or have other dependents

* have medical expenses not covered by insurance

* receive public assistance

Consider paying more if you:

* own the home you live in

* have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

* travel recreationally

The scale is merely a guide, use your judgement."

To read their full article, visit Sliding Scale: Why, How, and Sorting Out Who 


Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

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