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UUJEC Leadership

Co-Chair Sally Gellert Central Unitarian, Paramus, NJ

Sally Jane Gellert, a Unitarian Universalist since 1998, is a member of Central Unitarian Church of Bergen County, N.J. (on occupied Lenape land) and is active in civic education and advocacy. In 2011, Sally worked with other environmental UUs to introduce an Action of Immediate Witness (AIW) to support Tim DeChristopher.  Currently participating in most of the UU Faith Action N.J.’s. issues-based task forces, she maintains Occupy Bergen County’s social-media presence. A member of InterOccupy, Sally is a founding member of the Bergen Unitarian Universalist Relief Group (BUURG). She is communications and legislative director of the Lackawanna Coalition, a rail-passengers’ advocacy group.

Co-Chair Terry Lowman UU Congregation of Miami, FL

Terry Lowman retired from a long career in business, but justice was always a passion. Married to Mark Kassis as soon as same sex marriage was legal in Iowa, he and Mark parented four children, two from Terry's marriage to a Cuban woman and two adopted from Peru. They owned three restaurants, which were often venues for charity fund raising and liberal political events. Terry was born into UCC, lost god and found UU in 1989. Terry has volunteered in a number of UU related causes, from AMOS, the local congregationally based community organizing, starting Iowa’s UU state advocacy network (IUUWAN), the UU Funding Program's Social Responsibility grant panel and summer of 2014 joining UUJEC as co-chair. Terry is the UUJEC Liaison for State Legislative Networks (CUUSAN) and chair of the Nominating Committee. Terry is a member of UU Congregation of Miami and UU Fellowship of Ames, Iowa. Contact Terry at TerryLeeLowman @

Secretary Chris Marlowe Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore in Galloway, NJ

Kit Marlowe is a retired safety manager for an environmental engineering company. He moved from Northern NJ to Cape May, NJ in 2015. It’s a beautiful beachfront town, but poverty runs rampant about nine months a year. He came to the UU Faith in 1981 and serves his current church, the UU Congregation of the South Jersey Shore, as Board Secretary. Kit is also secretary of the UUJEC. He is Capital Projects Chair for Cape Hope, a local homeless advocacy group, and is President of the Democratic Club in Lower Township, NJ.

Treasurer Jane Bannor Unitarian Church of Evanston, IL

Jane was elected to the UUJEC Board in 2014.  She served on the planning committee for the February, 2015 UUJEC conference Escalating Inequality or Opportunity for All? and currently is the Treasurer in addition to chairing the UUJEC Finance Committee.  A member of the Unitarian Church of Evanston, Jane has taken a leadership role in her church’s Peace and Justice Committee.  She guided her church’s efforts to implement the Peacemaking Study / Action Issue, and she’s been spearheading her congregation’s work on the 2014 – 2017 CSAI on Escalating Inequality. Efforts have centered on raising the minimum wage and on protecting state “safety net” programs, while responding to growing budgetary issues.  Working in local political campaigns and in community action efforts, Jane has seen the impact growing income inequality has had on our major cities. She hopes our denomination’s study of the issue will increase our commitment to finding a way to distribute our nation’s wealth more equitably. Contact Jane at  jbannor @

Trustee Carl McCargo Unitarian Universalist Society of Greater Springfield, MA

Carl McCargo has been a member of UUJEC since 2006, now serving as Chair of the GA Booth Committee, and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Greater Springfield, Mass. since 1985, when he became a UU. He received his BA in Psychology from the University of New Mexico in 1973 and his Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology from the University of Massachusetts in 1981. Carl worked as a civil service psychologist for the state of Massachusetts for twenty years and retired in 2005. In 1992, he was in the first group of UU’s trained as Social Justice Empowerment Trainers and has conducted many workshops nationwide. Carl is also a Jubilee World I Anti-racism trainer and has conducted workshops across the U.S. Currently, Carl is the Chairperson of the Ward-3 Democratic Committee in Springfield, Mass. When his term as Chair of the Ward Committee expires this year, Carl will devote himself more fully to Media Reform, from the point of view that our media – movies and TV – teaches our culture how to think about “the Other,” class, the poor immigrants, etc. Feel free to contact Carl at: ilike2travel @ 

Trustee Cindy Piester Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, CA

Cindy Piester works nationally and internationally on climate and militarism as Outreach Director of Veterans For Peace Climate Crisis and Militarism Project.  She is also a member of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF, US), WILPF’s International Environmental Working Group and Women, Peace, and Security.  She was one of ten women chosen from WILPF’s many member nations to represent them as a Delegate to the COP 27 Climate Summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. 

Cindy also serves as Board Member of the Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community.  She joined the Board with the goal of focusing on redirecting public funds from militarism and wars towards mitigating climate change, a goal that she continues to pursue.  She has also been working on military emissions and military emissions reporting. 

In 2010, following several years working as part of the alternative media on behalf of peace, justice and human rights, she was the recipient of the Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions’ Earth Charter Award for Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace.  In 2011, as part of a three-woman team, she released an online documentary on US committed war crimes that was a contributing factor the Center of Constitutional Rights (CCR) requesting a thematic hearing with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the IACHR refused to hear the case as was their prerogative. 

Cindy is driven by the urgency of the climate crisis and the dire need for climate justice.  She wrote an Action of Immediate Witness (AIW), CODE RED for Humanity last year that failed by a single vote.  She hopes to submit an updated version again this year and asks for your GA votes.  She can be contacted at:

Trustee David Delk First Unitarian Church in Portland, OR

David has been a democracy activist/advocate for many years, having served as a chief petitioner for two statewide initiatives (46/47) to allow and then to place limits on campaign contributions in Oregon elections. He has since been a chief petitioner of every initiative in Oregon seeking to put effective limits on money in politics. He founded the Portland chapter of Move to Amend following the US Supreme Court's Citizens United decision.  


At the First Unitarian Church, David is a member of the Economic Justice Action Group where he organizes speaker events, documentary film screenings and has gathered signatures on various local & state level initiatives. He is active with the Health Care of All Oregon organization, leads the Portland chapter of the Alliance for Democracy and is also the national co-chair. Several years ago, David formed the Portland Public Banking Alliance to advocate for creation of a city of Portland Public Bank.  That organization is now the Oregon Public Banking Alliance, advocating for a OR state public bank.


David has been a board member of the OR UU Voices for Justice (ORUUV4J) and is currently its treasurer. Recently he has taken a greater interest in issues of war, peace and militarism, and has organized weekly anti-war/pro-peace sign holdings, signs with a message pointing to the need to reduce the military war budget and moving money from the military-industrial complex to real human needs.

David is gay with a life partner for the past 31 years.  His prior partner died of AIDS. To contact David, email

Trustee Dean and Kate Wanderer Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church, VA

Dean Wanderer is a member of the Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church of Burke, Virginia and a Unitarian Universalist since 1980. Dean graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.  He also holds ajuris doctorate and two masters of law (International) and (Environmental).  He retired from the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps in 1994 and began as a sole practitioner thereafter.  He has been an advocate for thirty-nine years concerning international matters for the US Navy or Department of Defense for those who face criminal charges, removal for immigration reasons, and family law matters.  He has frequently represented the injured and disabled.  He is the co-chair of the Unitarian Universalists Legislative Ministry of Virginia (UULMVA) and the chair of the Immigration Steering Committee for the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice in the Capital Region (UUSJ).  He has personally advocated at federal and state levels of government. The priorities of the UULMVA include Economic Injustice (minimum wage increase, expansion of MEDICAID, voting rights for ex-felons and the end of predatory lending, among others). You can contact Dean at deanwanderer @

Trustee Dr. Dick Burkhart Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church of Des Moines, WA

Dick Burkhart is a life long UU and advocate for social and economic justice. Professionally he has a Ph.D. in mathematics and has worked in academia and industry in applied mathematics and scientific and engineering computing. In 2002 he took early retirement to become a full time activist, especially on issues, from local to global, of economic inequality, limits-to-growth, sustainability, democracy, and urbanization. He has been on the board of UUJEC since 2005, currently serving as a chair of the General Assembly Committee.

Trustee Mona Lee Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church of Des Moines, WA

Mona Lee has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Oregon. Lee grew up in St. Louis but has lived most of her life on the West Coast with the exception of a six-year stint in Germany where she worked as Guidance Counselor and Director of the Spinelli Barracks Army Education Center. However, most of Lee’s career was served as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for Washington State.

Lee is an activist for various social justice causes with special dedication to the abolition of nuclear weapons. Besides UUJEC, other organizational affiliations include the UU Multiracial Unity Action Council; Washington Against Nuclear Weapons Coalition; South Seattle Climate Action Network; and several others. She has spent most of her life as a Unitarian Universalist with membership first in the Kitsap UU Fellowship and then in Saltwater UU Fellowship near Seattle. To reach Mona, email 

Trustee Rev. Dr. Lucy Hitchcock -

Lucy Hitchcock served as UU minister in North Dakota, Oregon, Washington, Florida and as Extension Ministry Program Director at the UUA retiring in 2008.  She is a founding member of UUJEC, has served on the board off and on and has organized UU actions for the WTO protests in Seattle, FTAA protests in Miami and many conferences. Her spiritual practice is the work of economic justice. Current commitments are to single payer healthcare, climate justice, and sustainable, regenerative agriculture here and in Senegal, West Africa. She is building a house in Pringle Creek (sustainable) Community in Salem, OR.  Lucy is Chair of UUJEC’s Green New Deal Task Force and can be reached at membership @

Trustee Rev. Judith Deutsch Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation of Rio Rancho, NM

Judy Deutsch is a UU minister, emerita, who moved to Corrales, NM, on June 28, 2017, after having lived in Sudbury, MA, For 51 years (and Morristown, Whippany, and Hillsdale New Jersey, Detroit and New York City before that). 
Among the activities she engaged in while in Massachusetts were to serve as chair of the committee that wrote the last 3 Massachusetts single-payer bills before she left, board member of the James Luther Adams Foundation, the governor’s appointee to the Sudbury Housing Authority, chair of First Parish’s Faith in Action Committee, health care specialist for the LWVMA, board member of Mass-Care (Massachusetts’ campaign for single-payer health care), and chair of the Religion and Socialism Commission of Democratic Socialists of America. 
She served as minister in Hartford, CT, and Harvard and Medfield, MA, churches. The UUA published 3 of her "Curricula for Now" for children and her "Responding to Apartheid: The Hitler Exception of Our Time" for adults, and the Religion and Socialism Commission of DSA published many of her articles.
Since moving to New Mexico she was active in the Albuquerque working group against Citizens United and a member of the Speakers Group in the group working for Improved Medicare for All, and serves on the UU Westside Congregation Social Concerns Committee (where she hopes to get the congregation aware of and involved in UUJEC) and still serves on the board  of the JLAF.
Judy has been a member of the NAACP since about 1953, the ACLU since 1955, and a member of Democratic Socialists of America since its inception (1955 or 1966). She has been a  Unitarian and then a Unitarian Universalist since 1952. She was born on April 18, 1929 and married Marshall Deutsch on June 27, 1947. She was widowed on December 23, 2017.