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9/22/2016: UUJEC Video Curricula A Success in Wisconsin, by Jim Black

I recently utilized a little, unknown gem from the UUJEC website.  There is a drop down menu under the “escalating inequality” tab, which includes a curriculum created by Terry Lowman, co-chair of the UUJEC, called “TED Talk curriculum and videos”.  These are an excellent and well organized selection of videos centered on various aspects of income inequality.  The videos are short and very powerful. The videos are mostly TED Talks but You Tube videos are also included. When I looked at the curriculum I realized that putting on a presentation would not require a lot of effort on my part, Terry had done all of the work. So I decided to present one of Terry’s curricula.
I was given the okay by my local UU fellowship to do a four-week presentation of the “escalating inequality” curriculum, sent out press releases and made an announcement at Sunday service. In bullet point fashion I wrote out a short introduction for each video and had questions and comments to hopefully start discussions after each video. I did not know what to expect.

About twenty people attended the sessions. Given our small congregation of about 100 members and a county which is sparsely populated this turn out was respectable. The presentations drew attendees outside of our fellowship from the general population as well.  There were insightful observations and great comments and questions after each video.  I believe the attendees left the 
presentation with a little more knowledge. I hope they will talk with others about income inequality and the responsibility we all have to do what we can to close the income gap.

To learn more about the 2 workshop series developed by Terry, visit here and here.

Jim Black, UUJEC Board Member from Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Door County Wisconsin.


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