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UUJEC Advisory Board



Rev. Dr. David Breeden

 Minister, First Unitarian Society Minneapolis, MN

Author, poet and former UUJEC Board Member.



Dan Carter

Emeritus Professor in the Department of History: 

University of South Carolina

Author, historian, member of Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County.



Chuck Collins

Senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies

Author and co-founder of Wealth for the Common Good.



Barbara Dudley, B.A., J.D.

Adjunct Professor in the Hatfield School of Government: 

Portland State University.

Attorney, author and environmentalist.



Rev. Dr. Richard S. Gilbert

Minister Emeritus, First Unitarian Church, Rochester, NY

Author and founding member of UUJEC. 



David Korten

Chair and Co-Founder of Yes! Magazine

Economist, writer, and publisher.


Ray Offenheiser

President, Oxfam America

Advocate for poverty alleviation, human rights,

 foreign policy, and international development.



Mark Ritchie

Former Minnesota Secretary of State

Attorney and leader in civic engagement and election reform. 



Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell

Minister Emeritus, First Unitarian Church, Portland, OR

Author, activist, and speaker. 

Subject of the documentary film Raw Faith. 




Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

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