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Green New Deal Solutions


Converting and Constricting the Military Industrial Complex

How to cut $1 trillion from the Pentagon - NationofChange

Hydrogen as Light, Renewable Fuel

hydrogen as an aircraft fuel - - Gmail (  

Protecting the Amazon

Declaration from REPAM, our partner in the Amazon region, that lists a number of proposals the people of this

critical eco-system seek action on from the upcoming summit of presidents of countries in that territory. That

summit will take place in Brazil August 8-9. Click here for more info.

Public Banking and Green Banking

Public Banking Has the Potential to Truly Revolutionize Our Economy (


Land Preservation and Carbon Sequestration--something you and your congregation can do with technology billions of years old--planting trees! And when you join our planting project, please let us know at

In many cities, a map of urban tree cover reflects the geography of race and income, just as it does in Oliver, where 97% of residents are African American.  Read what trees can do for mental health. 


Calculate your carbon footprint and choose what you can do to reduce it.  link  This website outlines and describes plans to help implement the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs see above) and the Green New Deal (GND).  Inputs from everyone are welcomed."  Below are two examples: UN SDG Target 13.2.1 & Target Action Plan #25: Reverse global warming and mitigate its adverse effects in particular harsh climate change link  and UN SDG Targets 1.1 and 1.2 and TAP #41 Eradicate all poverty. Ensure everyone has a basic living income, basic assets including a decent dwelling and savings and all the needs and necessities for a decent life and becomes self-sufficient link   We are looking to learn more about the organization.  The idea of a location to consolidate plans is a good one. but who is doing so?  See what you think.




Cooperatives, B Corps, other better business alternatives of all kinds

    See how Ikea operates their business to be sustainable and follow social responsibility guidelines.

    Can the financial systems best kept secret help finance a green new deal?  


      Regenerative Agriculture And Planet Healthy Food

      A Green New Deal must Prioritize Regenerative Agriculture.  

      Menus of Change: The Business of Healthy, Sustainable, Delicious Food: 2019 Annual Report a detailed report on how home eating and restaurant eating meets standards for health and sustainability for a range of diets including vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian, all encouraging expanded use of fruits and vegetables, not antibiotics, etc.


      Interactive Tool Kits

      Oil and Gas Tool Kit for Activists  here.  Read the supporting article here on oil and gas increased production in the US and suggested actions to reverse it before it is too late.

      Community Power Interactive Tool Kit on how to affect energy consumption in your city, utility and neighborhood from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) which is a great organization and sends out newsletters on line.

      Using capitalism to sell a new green deal, a TED talkThis seems suspicious, but if there's horse trading so that Wall Street gets involved, at least we're getting political buy in across the spectrum.

      Videos on how to present climate change to audiences

      Bill McKibben's guide to talking about climate change.

      How to talk to people about climate change, a TED talk.


      Home Heating in the Green New Deal by Greg Stinson  Slide presentation on heat pumps, splits, tax incentive to phase out oil furnaces, creating electrician jobs, refrigerant alternatives.  Solutions for your house upgrade to reduce carbon use or building new homes.

      The railroad industry is increasingly touting its sustainability efforts and using its lower carbon footprint as a selling point as more and more shippers look to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

      Podcast on localizing and improving technology of electric grid and broadband to reduce cost and use timing of use to best benefit from renewable sources like wind and solar. Book recommended by above podcast is: Gretchen Bakke, The Grid, the Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future, 2016.

      Are Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns Working? A Conversation With Economist Robert Pollin’ His answer to this is “no” but he proposes other tactics like colleges using no fossil fuels as positive. 

      Bill Gates is leading a Canadian group to pull CO2 out of the air and create fuel with it.  They are able to sequester one ton per day--a miniscule amount considering concrete, between mining, manufacturing, transportation and the chemical processes create 1.5 tons of CO2 for every ton of concrete...and there are 10 billion tons of concrete poured every year in the US.

      A tiny Swiss company has ideas on how to remove CO2 and produce fertilizer from it.




      Elders Climate Action Conservative Elders Climate Action is building a non-partisan movement of elders committed to making our voices heard.

      The Solutions Project, advocating for people of color and women in dealing with environmental justice and climate change.

      Founded by Bill McKibben, world-wide in scope.

      Interfaith Power and Light. Equipping people of faith to address climate change.  Click here to find your state.

      Citizens Climate Lobby Citizens' Climate Lobby creates the political will for a livable world. We empower individuals to experience breakthroughs by exercising their personal and political power.


      The Climate Mobilization.   The Climate Emergency Movement is a network of people doing everything we can to prevent climate and ecological catastrophe. We ask our institutions and communities to respond to climate change and ecological destruction as an emergency. We demand the only response that makes sense: a massive, just mobilization of our cities and nation to protect humanity and the natural world.


      GreenFaith. Inspiring, educating, and mobilizing people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership. 

      The Green Party, click here for their Green New Deal


      Labor Network for Sustainability, the organized voice within the labor movement for policies that are ecologically sustainable while also advancing the movement for good jobs and a just transition for workers and communities hurt by the effects of climate change and by the transition to renewable energy. 


      PowerShift.  This is a bottom-up, grassroots hub for young climate activists.


      Sunrise Movement.  An organization begun by young people to achieve the Green New Deal. The UUA and UUJEC have signed on as a sponsoring organization. See Actions below.


      Youth Climate Leaders.  Our main goal is to empower a diverse group of young leaders from all over the world with leadership and entrepreneurial skills to be used right now to address climate change.




                    Here's some great resources on rail transportation:

                    -High Speed Rail: Fast Track to Sustainable Mobility

                    -Rail Plan - for entire US, and an example for a region (Chicago) as examples how to layout in simple graphics a rail system 

                    -Sustainability & Rail

                    -Top 10 Reasons to Bring High Speed Rail to America

                    Funding Green Projects

                    Green Banks

                    On a national green bank by Ella Nilsen, June 1, 2021:

                    Green banks are the smartest way to finance clean energy that you’ve never heard of - Vox





                    Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

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