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4/30/2018: "Health Care and Coverage for All" by the Healthcare Justice Committee of UUJEC


One of UUJEC’s top action priorities is to mobilize resources, strategic plans, collaboration and action to provide basic healthcare to all US citizens and residents.  This undergirds the larger goal of reducing wealth inequality.

Because of the current resistance among legislators to universal single payer health care, our strategies must be short term and long term; prevention of the erosion of current coverage under The Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Benefits, Social Security including Disability coverage, community hospitals and state programs; as well as promoting movement toward state and/or national single payer health provision such as expansion and enhancement of Medicare to cover all.

Our objectives include:

1.    Build a working team among UUJEC members, friends and  congregations who are committed to working towards universal health care;

2.    Research groups working on advancing health care/coverage and developing resources, with whom we may collaborate;

3.    Provide background and educational materials on health care and coverage, and review and categorize resources to be available on our website;

4.    Follow and communicate legislative and other actions, like grassroots mobilization, via our website, newsletter, webinars, action alerts and working groups;

5.    Apply a racial-ethnic lens to our resource development, participant recruitment, action plans and evaluation of our work;

6.    Periodic evaluation to see if our work is productive, inclusive, and rewarding to participants;

7.    Timely reports to our membership and funding organization.


Visit our web-page on Healthcare Justice to learn more and join our working group.


Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

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