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Proposed Action of Immediate Witness Passed at the 2019 GA


Build the Movement for a Green New Deal


Whereas: The Green New Deal manifests key UU values — both “the interdependent web” and “justice, equity, and compassion”— sparking intense interest. However, this vision will require in-depth organizing and generational dedication to overcome powerful interests who disregard the scientific consensus that massive disruption lies ahead if we don’t take rapid action to address the escalating climate emergency;


Whereas: Our earth has already warmed approximately 1°C, while climate catastrophes, such as flooding, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, and species die-off, are more frequent and costly, with ballooning waves of refugees, as carbon emissions from fossil fuels are now activating powerful feedback loops in the air, oceans, and on land;


Whereas: Many natural resources, such as fisheries, forests, agricultural lands, fresh water, and minerals, are being degraded or wasted by continued global economic and population growth;


Whereas: Social and political stress from escalating economic and political failure is undermining popular support for democracy and human rights, especially where short-sighted economic pursuits have prevailed over equity and compassion;


Whereas: Equity must replace extravagance in this new gilded age, reeling from two generations of escalating inequality, consumerism, and continued militarization, by transferring dignity and ownership to legions of proud and skilled workers to build a new and sustainable infrastructure;


Be it Resolved that the Unitarian Universalist Association, its congregations, and their members are urged to:


1. Continue educating ourselves on the accelerating threats to the ecosystems and natural resources which feed and sustain our global civilization, and promote a compassionate national conversation to head off worst-case scenarios;

2. Prepare our youth to confront the future through religious education and other programs grounded in science that inspire hope, courage and practical collective action;

3. Develop a new morality, rebuilding our political and economic structures to prioritize the well-being of future generations, grounded in sustainability, while supporting today’s overstressed communities with productive employment, affordable housing and health care, public transportation and education, and other universal benefits;

4. Ready ourselves for the alarming economic challenges ahead as nature’s limits-to-growth severely impact vulnerable populations and sectors such as heavy industry, aviation, and global transport, which are ill-suited for renewable energy;

5. Invest in regenerative agriculture and research and development in diverse technologies to economically extract carbon from air and water for productive purposes, while phasing out fossil fuels;

6. Network with UU state action networks, national groups like UUJEC, UUMFE, and UUSJ, or sign up at Participate in the Sept. 15-17, 2019, conference in Washington, DC, on a Green New Deal” (;

7. Form alliances with local groups working on aspects of a Green New Deal or national supporters like The Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion,, The Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, We Are Still In, Citizens Climate Lobby;

8. Obtain background information from groups like The Post Carbon Institute, Data for Progress, Inside Climate News, Peoples Policy Project, Oil Change International;

9. Organize congregational projects that align with the Green New Deal;

10. Actively support the development of federal legislation to implement the Green New Deal as envisioned in H.Res. 109.



Groups collaborating in this AIW: UUJEC, UUMFE, UUSJ, Redwood City UU

The “Green New Deal” Resolution (H. Res. 109:



“Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent Clean Energy,” by Richard Heinberg and David Fridley, 2016.

“The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming,” by David Wallace-Wells, 2019.

“The End of Ice,” by Dahr Jamail, 2019.

“The Great Pivot,” by Justine Burt, 2019.

“The Soil Will Save Us” by Kristin Ohlson, 2014.



“The Human Element,” 2019.

“Paris to Pittsburgh,” 2019


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