For UUSJ's Guide to a visit with your Senator or Representative, please click here.

Reversing Inequality: Healthcare Justice is a UU Value
2017 Conference Supplemental.
The Nuts and Bolts of Outreach at Home
Our Social Justice friends have drafted many helpful resources used to navigate activism and outreach on many fronts. Our line-up includes ways to develop social media skills, improve letter writing abilities and creative guidance on enriching relationships within congregations and building communication with your elected officials. There is a resource here to accommodate many strategies.
UU’s for a Just Economic Community:
Tips & Tricks for Online Exposure. PDF available here.
Organizing a Film Screening. PDF available here.
Memorial service for homeless who passed away in St. Petersburg, FL order of service is available here.
UU’s for Social Justice:
Heath care Info Brief. PDF available here.
Anatomy of a Meeting. PDF available here.
Write Here! Write Now! A Toolkit for Letter Writing Campaigns. Access here.
Unitarian Universalist Association:
Legislative Advocacy tips PDF available here.
AFL CIO Digital Strategies Department:
#1u Digital Strategies Web Tutorials View them here.
Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice:
In-district Congressional Meetings Webinar “Preparing for Your Lobby Visit” View here.
A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda download here
Legislative Process 101. PDF available here
How to Have a Successful Town Hall Meeting download here
Volunteer Opportunities with UUJEC
Click here to see what you can do
Making the Connection:
Facebook has a way to connect with your elected officials here.
The Town Hall Project, find events to attend here.
ResistBot helps you fax your elected officials via text. Find out how here.
Helpful Articles to Frame Our Justice Work
- “Fake or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts” article here.
by Wynne Davis at NPR
Fake news stories can have real-life consequences. On Sunday, police said a man with a rifle who claimed to be "self-investigating" a baseless online conspiracy theory entered a Washington, D.C., pizzeria and fired the weapon inside the restaurant.
So, yes, fake news is a big problem.
These stories have gotten a lot of attention, with headlines claiming Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump in November's election and sites like American News sharing misleading stories or taking quotes out of context. And when sites like DC Gazette share stories about people who allegedly investigated the Clinton family being found dead, the stories go viral and some people believe them. Again, these stories are not true in any way.
Stopping the proliferation of fake news isn't just the responsibility of the platforms used to spread it. Those who consume news also need to find ways of determining if what they're reading is true…”
- “Speaking to the Media as a Unitarian Universalist” article here.
By Peter Montgomery at UUA
“Quick—without stopping to think—answer this question, speaking out loud: what is a Unitarian Universalist (UU)?
Say it out loud: A Unitarian Universalist is...
Did you know where to start? How long did it take you to finish? Would someone who has no understanding of Unitarian Universalism have glazed over before they heard what you had to say? Would you give the impression of someone knowledgeable about and grounded in your faith?
The first rule of effective advocacy is to have a clear message. Establishing yourself as a UU voice in the community, either as an individual or as a spokesperson for your congregation, means being able to communicate clearly who and what we are…”
- “Five Ways to Make Congress Hear You” article here.
By Chris Letts, Maiya Zwerling of the Friends Committee on National Legislation
“Members of Congress have to listen to constituents — it’s the only way they keep their jobs — but not all communications with Congress are equal. These tips will help you communicate effectively to solve problems and change policy.
A former congressional staffer provided insider knowledge on how you can influence Congress. As a grassroots lobbying organization, we wanted to give you the full picture!
Check out our top five tips for making sure Congress listens to you…”