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3/11/2017: Economic Justice Spotlight: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice. Venice, Florida


Within UUJEC, we embarked on a journey of discovery, to understand the tireless and comprehensive work UU activists were doing tomake our world more just. Our call for submissions drew interest from active social justice committees and congregations from every corner of the country. We are pleased to collaborate with them in sharing best practice approaches to justice work for our readers to learn from and to bring inspiration. Enjoy the stories, share in the efforts and use the ideas you see here as a model for your continued work in economic justice. 

This article was developed in collaboration between UUJEC Administrator Rachel Bennett Steury and UUC of Venice Social Justice Team Leader Marty King. You can find the full article featured on our Spotlight page and also in a printable version here. Please share this information with your congregations and feel free to participate in the comment section below.

"Our Common Good Committee works to help disenfranchised voters, and for the Move to Amend.  They circulate petitions, go to demonstrations and public meetings, and write letters when needed.  This committee has worked hard to educate the congregation and inspire them to work toward justice for the poor, and minorities, who disproportionately represented in our prisons in the USA. Members visit people who are incarcerated.   

Our Green Sanctuary Committee regards global warming as an economic issue, as it will impact most severely on the poor. We have conducted an all-day workshop with the Pachamama Alliance, and our congregation contributed a significant amount of money to put solar panels on our sanctuary roof.  We are working hard to share information about gardening and consuming to live more sustainable lives..."


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