This year we embarked on a journey of discovery, to understand the tireless and comprehensive work UU activists were doing to make our world more just. Our call for submissions drew interest from active social justice committees and congregations from every corner of the country. We are pleased to collaborate with them in sharing best practice approaches to justice work for our readers to learn from and to bring inspiration. Enjoy the stories, share in the efforts and use the ideas you see here as a model for your continued work in economic justice.

Task Force Chair Pat Hammer, shares their recent work with Terry Lowman UUJEC Co-Chair in our report featured on our Spotlight page and also in a printable version here. Please share this information with your congregations and feel free to participate in the comment section below.
"The Task Force itself is composed of social justice leaders in their individual congregations. Among the leadership are congregational board members and chairs of social justice programs, as well as the activists who bring their experience to the discussion and organize the outreach and advocacy activities within each congregation."