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The Live Oak UU Church Endowment solicits grant proposals, and recommends grants that support Unitarian Universalist values through congregational growth, as well as social and environmental action initiatives. Our Healthcare Justice Material development was made possible through the generosity of Live Oak UU. 

Video Resources

The UUJEC Healthcare Justice Video Curriculum is a 6-part workshop series, coordinated by the Healthcare Justice Working Group and is available here. 

This is Crazy: Criminalizing Mental Health

View the film

Read the Discussion Guide 

When you schedule a screening (even if it’s with 2-3 friends or family members in your living room), please let Brave New Films know by filling out this screening confirmation form.   For tips on setting up a screening, review the Film Screening and Technology Guide. Feedback forms for ATTENDEES and the HOST can be printed, copied and distributed.  Please collect them and send to: Angel Mortel, Brave New Films, 10510 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, CA  90232. 


Book Reviews


"Less Medicine, More Health" by Dr. Gilbert

"Crisis in US Health Care: Corporate Power vs. The Common Good" by John Geyman, M.D.

"The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care" by T.R. Reid

"The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet” By Nina Teicholz


If you have books to review or recommend we add to this list, please email


“Reversing Inequality: Healthcare Justice is a UU Value” 2017 Conference in Washington DC


“Reversing Inequality: Healthcare Justice is a UU Value” Conference Recap and Conference Supplemental “Resource Guide for Activism at Home”

Comparative Healthcare Systems: Workshop Series by Michael Teasdale


Healthcare is the key element in the quality of life and a foundational right in civilized societies.  Providing appropriate healthcare to all allows individuals to lead dignified and full lives. In the USA there has been a long debate about the cost, quality and access to healthcare. UUs, believing in the inherent value of every human being, need to be in the forefront of the struggle to ensure healthcare is available to all. In my presentations you will find how well the healthcare system in the United States compares with other developed economies.  Often hailed as the "best healthcare system in the world," the presentations show not only that the USA system is more expensive but has serious issues in access to care as well as quality of care and service compared to other countries.  Comparative data from the World Healthcare Organization (WHO) and Organization of Economic Coordination and Development (OECD) show the USA can learn much from other countries to achieve affordable healthcare for all.  [Michael Teasdale UUJEC Co-Chair]

Session 1: Comparative Healthcare Systems

Session 2: Why Does Healthcare Cost So Much in the USA?

Session 3: Why Does Healthcare Cost So Much in the USA (Cont'd)

Session 4: Different Healthcare Systems 

Health Care and Coverage for All Working Group


UUJEC Statement on Medicare Privatization

Click here to read!


Health Care and Coverage for All

As prepared by the Healthcare Justice Committee of UUJEC

One of UUJEC’s top action priorities is to mobilize resources, strategic plans, collaboration and action to provide basic healthcare to all US citizens and residents.  This undergirds the larger goal of reducing wealth inequality.

Because of the current resistance among legislators to universal single payer health care, our strategies must be short term and long term; prevention of the erosion of current coverage under The Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Benefits, Social Security including Disability coverage, community hospitals and state programs; as well as promoting movement toward state and/or national single payer health provision such as expansion and enhancement of Medicare to cover all.  Read more here.  


Health Information Systems

Health information systems, often connected to universal healthcare in other countries, are sorely lacking in the US.  Here's a two minute video giving an overview of what is proposed.  Here's a published piece in the Journal of the American Medical Association co-written by UU Dr. William Yasnoff, MD.

Until we have healthcare for all,

We must assure all people can access medical care during the Pandemic.


 In response to the Covid-19 pandemic and climate disasters: fires, floods, hurricanes and drought with their resultant health and economic consequences, targeted legislation is urgent.  This includes financing to develop a public health and disaster relief workforce to meet the needs of affected communities--many under-served at the present time.  It is essential to provide the training and job skills for the unemployed and recent graduates to reinforce the corps of dedicated health workers and climate crisis responders for current and future challenges.  More...


Medicare-for-All Calculator Demonstration, by Kris Hardy




Thursday August 9th, @ 8pm Eastern time. 

Medicare for All Calculator, with Kris Hardy 

Kris Hardy, the creator of the Medicare for All calculator presented on the use it his newly developed tool. It was developed to demonstrate how a proposed funding mechanism for universal health care will save 90-95% of the population money on health care spending. The calculator is based on H.R. 676, the Medicare for All Act which is sponsored by Congressman Keith Ellison and currently has 123 sponsors in the US House of Representatives. 

To view the two-part webinar, select each link:  Part 1 and Part 2The calculator is available at To reach out to Kris Hardy, please email 

Thursday April 19, 2018 @ 8:00 p.m. eastern

“What is Health Justice and Inequality?" with Margaret Flowers

What a terrific discussion! Thank you Dr. Flowers! To view a recording of this webinar, visit our YouTube page here.  Dr. Flower's presentation is available for reference here.  

Dr. Margaret Flowers is a pediatrician and mother from Baltimore, MD.  Margaret left medical practice in 2007 to advocate full-time for single-payer health care.  She served as Congressional Fellow for Physicians for a National Health Program and on the board of Healthcare-Now!  Margaret is a co-founder of, which is a resource and information clearinghouse for the movement of movements, providing a daily stream of resistance news from the United States and around the world, as well as a national events calendar.  



Thursday September 14, 2017 8:00 pm

“NOW IS THE TIME: Healthcare for Everybody”

Thank you for joining us for our UUJEC/UUSJ sponsored webinar with filmmakers Terry Sterrenberg & Laurie Simons to discuss healthcare justice and their newest documentary “Now is the Time: Healthcare for Everybody”. Laurie’s comparison to jackhammers and birds singing really put into perspective how different healthcare systems effect our health and wellbeing, regardless of being sick. If you missed our discussion, you can view the recording on the UUJEC YouTube channel here. Also, learn more about the film, how to host a screening and work for justice in your community by visiting their website,  and follow them on twitter @Nowsthetimemovi.  

Wednesday, August 2, 2017 8:00pm

The ACA and the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act

Long term issues for the American economy

Thank you for joining us for our latest UUJEC/UUSJ webinar with Health Economist Dr. Jerome Dugan. We were pleased to have Dr. Dugan with us. If you missed our discussion, you can view the recording on the UUSJ YouTube channel here. Also, learn more about Dr. Dugan and his colleagues’ work on their website, Health Economics Analytics Laboratory and follow him on twitter @profdugan, where he posts economic and health related articles regularly. 

8/24/21 Email letter to congregations

Thursday September 14, 8:00 pm

“NOW IS THE TIME: Healthcare for Everybody”

Thank you for joining us for our UUJEC/UUSJ sponsored webinar with filmmakers Terry Sterrenberg & Laurie Simons to discuss healthcare justice and their newest documentary “Now is the Time: Healthcare for Everybody”. Laurie’s comparison to jackhammers and birds singing really put into perspective how different healthcare systems effect our health and wellbeing, regardless of being sick. If you missed our discussion, you can view the recording on the UUJEC YouTube channel here. Also, learn more about the film, how to host a screening and work for justice in your community by visiting their website,  and follow them on twitter @Nowsthetimemovi.  

Wednesday, August 2, 8:00pm

The ACA and the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA):

Long term issues for the American economy

Thank you for joining us for our latest UUJEC/UUSJ webinar with Health Economist Dr. Jerome Dugan. We were pleased to have Dr. Dugan with us. If you missed our discussion, you can view the recording on the UUSJ YouTube channel here. Also, learn more about Dr. Dugan and his colleagues’ work on their website, Health Economics Analytics Laboratory and follow him on twitter @profdugan, where he posts economic and health related articles regularly. 

Thursday September 14, 8:00 pm

“NOW IS THE TIME: Healthcare for Everybody”

Thank you for joining us for our UUJEC/UUSJ sponsored webinar with filmmakers Terry Sterrenberg & Laurie Simons to discuss healthcare justice and their newest documentary “Now is the Time: Healthcare for Everybody”. Laurie’s comparison to jackhammers and birds singing really put into perspective how different healthcare systems effect our health and wellbeing, regardless of being sick. If you missed our discussion, you can view the recording on the UUJEC YouTube channel here. Also, learn more about the film, how to host a screening and work for justice in your community by visiting their website,  and follow them on twitter @Nowsthetimemovi.  

Wednesday, August 2, 8:00pm

The ACA and the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA):

Long term issues for the American economy

Thank you for joining us for our latest UUJEC/UUSJ webinar with Health Economist Dr. Jerome Dugan. We were pleased to have Dr. Dugan with us. If you missed our discussion, you can view the recording on the UUSJ YouTube channel here. Also, learn more about Dr. Dugan and his colleagues’ work on their website, Health Economics Analytics Laboratory and follow him on twitter @profdugan, where he posts economic and health related articles regularly. 


Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

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