The Interfaith March for Peace & Justice was initiated by a small group of people in Columbus, OH. Here, people of all ages and colors and faiths marched on April 2, 2017, shoulder to shoulder with some who have no religious affiliation but were moved by a sense of urgency and civic pride.
On April 29, 2018, the march in Columbus was repeated along with sister marches across the country. As the organizers seek to build on this momentum for 2019, they invite you to join them; to be a part of the movement for love and compassion.
Stay informed via Facebook and the web page.
Interfaith Solidarity March in LA has a recap of events on their web page as well.
UUJEC is pleased to Co-Sponsor the 2018 Interfaith March for Peace and Justice. Join in fellowship within your community for peace and justice.
- Assembly guidelines and tips are available here.
- Spread the word and the excitement with this flyer.
- Get updates and stay connected when you register with the Mobilize app
- Financial Assistance with March-Related Expenses Application
- Sample Outreach letters to build UU and Community partnerships
- A recording from our January 10th webinar with march organizers.
If no event is planned in your area but you’d like to plan one, email for help to get started.
February 15, 2018 @ 8:00 PM (ET)
Interfaith March "Organizer's Workshop" Webinar
On April 29 people across the country will be joining the Interfaith March for Peace & Justice to promote equal justice and religious liberty for all. The organizers are excited about the interest and commitment from UUs nationwide and hope to continue the very productive dialogue that began in January. With less than three months remaining, questions and curiosity may still remain on the nuts and bolts of organizing an event in your area. Columbus March organizers Greg Davis and Michael Greenman would like to offer their feedback and resources to help. Whether you are considering getting started or fairly far along in the organizing process, join this important webinar so that we can collaborate, share tips, and bounce ideas off each other as a community.
Time: Thursday February 15 @ 8:00 PM eastern time
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
You should be at a laptop, computer or mobile device with a camera and Internet access to participate. Plan to sign in early to make sure you have enough time to download the Zoom platform, if necessary.
You may also join by phone, if you prefer.
Dial: 669 900 6833 or 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 934 935 579
January 10, 2018 @ 8:00 PM
"Are You Ready for the Interfaith March for Peace & Justice?"

Thank you to all who joined the UUJEC/UUSJ sponsored webinar regarding the 2018 Interfaith March for Peace & Justice Interfaith March for Peace and Justice on Jan. 10. Activists from a dozen different states were represented on our webinar! It was inspiring to be joined by so many like-minded individuals to support the development of an event which may have national impact.
March co-sponsors include UUJEC, the UU Peace Ministry Network, Peace Catalyst, North Columbus Friends Meeting, UU Justice Ohio and Safe Alliance of Interfaith Leaders. March Organizers include:
Michael Greenman is a former board member of UUJEC. As a member of the First UU Church of Columbus, he led a team during the denomination’s annual gathering in June 2013, that obtained their approval to encourage congregations all around the country to focus on supporting the passage of a constitutional amendment to declare that “corporations are not persons” and “money is not speech”. In 2014, he became the Moderator of the Social Justice Committee (SJC) of the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO). SJC is bringing together the nine member faiths of IACO to collaborate on efforts to support justice projects in this greater Columbus area. IACO and First UU are among the sponsors of the 2018 Interfaith March for Peace and Justice.
Greg Davis is a member of the North Columbus Friends Meeting and the Safe Alliance of Interfaith Leaders in Columbus, OH. With help from many excellent partners, he was able to organize an Interfaith March for Peace & Justice in April 2017. Looking ahead to 2018, he is excited to see this concept spreading to other locations nationwide. He is very grateful for the support of many UU congregations and hopes to develop many new partnerships in the near future to promote the success of the national event on April 29, 2018.