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Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community

Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC) is a vibrant progressive organization committed to economic justice for all. Our philosophy is rooted in the UU liberal religious tradition - to create a world of justice, equity, and compassion. Our work contributes to a broader movement for social change, in collaboration with the UUA, UU Service Committee and grassroots organizations. We seek to inspire and help UUs to study our society’s economic and social systems and advocate for justice issues like The Green New Deal and Single Payer healthcare.

Our Mission

of Economic Justice is to engage, educate, and activate Unitarian Universalist individuals and congregations, social justice groups, and their community partners to fulfill our vision of positive systemic change.  Using a process of study, reflection, strategy, and direct action, we work collaboratively "to change the story from Empire to Earth Community".

UUJEC leader, Rev. Dr. Lucy Hitchcock promoting Clean Energy for All



Contact US:  Webmaster:  By Mail: UUJEC-Bannor 2701 West Fitch Ave. Chicago IL 60645

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