- Join UUSC’s Resistance Network
We are living in a time of escalating injustice, but also one of powerful resistance. Those in power seek to divide us, weaken our movements, and strip away fundamental rights—but we know that justice is only possible when we build solidarity together. Our faith in human dignity, our belief in collective liberation, and our commitment to justice call us to act.
- Protest opportunites
February 17 through March 14, join 4 different nation-wide protests against abusing power, citizens and our immigrants.
- Cut military spending and reduce the military's carbon footprint.
- Anti-war protest signs
Downloadable for your convenience.
- The cost of compound interest.
The global financial system operates like a cancer, metastasizing throughout our economy and society. Its malignant core is a simple yet devastating formula: PL – PR + I, principal loaned – principal repaid + interest = an escalating debt trap that necessitates economic growth. This equation is familiar to anyone who has taken out a loan.
- Climate Resiliency
As the climate crisis leads to more extreme weather events, faith communities can play a vital role as places of refuge and resiliency. For example, a house of worship with solar panels, battery storage, air conditioning, and an air filtration system can provide a place for community members to come during heat waves, power outages, or unhealthy air quality days
- Join the Peace Equity and Climate Task Force
Formally known as the Movement for a Green New Deal Task Force, the Peace, Equity and Climate Task Force invite you to join them in the work. Use our sign up form and choose the task force you are most interested in at the bottom of the form.
- Board Member Cindy Piester Speaks Out
In Solidarity with Palestine, Marcy Winograd, co-chair, Central Coast Antiwar Coalition, and Cindy Piester, Veterans for Peace and UUJEC Board Member, address the picketers lined up in front of Raytheon's Goleta headquarters.
- The Earth Bill
This is the best legislation available to thwart Climate Change
- UU Ministry for the Earth Chaplains
UU Ministry for Earth movement chaplains help you articulate your faith reasons for advocating for climate justice, prepare for the action with tools to harmonize your bodies and spirits for the action or meeting itself, because when we are tense, our effectiveness is diminished. Movement chaplains also help you sustain your advocacy and activism by providing support and care for the whole person - mind, body, and spirit - during and after the action and meeting.
- Organizing for Health Equity
An Invitation to create justice via “Organizing for Health Equity”, an Action of Immediate Witness that UUJEC endorsed.
The Fourth of July was the hottest day recorded in the history of the world. Mass murders took place at Independence Day festivities in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and in Washington, DC. In this reality, what does it mean to celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How does public health happen in an age of climate change?
- Sauntering and Secession: A Transcendentalist Response to the Climate Crisis
Founding Board member, Rev. Lucy Hitchcock shares her service she gave in April, 2023. It's a worthwhile read!
- Green Shopping Guide
A class was using our Green New Deal solutions and while they enjoyed it, they wanted to offer a gift to us--so they sent this Green Shopping Guide! Isn't that nice!
- Called By Our Faith To Act For A Climate-Smart Farm Bill
What could possibly be in the Farm Bill that UUs care about? Clean water, nutritious food, preservation of soil and fertility, humane treatment of livestock and creating food for humans, not just feeding animals and making ethanol. Things that impact city dwellers daily.
- UUJEC Statement on Solidarity with Unions
We feel that the only way to balance plutocrats power is wide spread unions. See our statement and an offer to be a resource for Labor Sunday
- How do you reach UUs when disaster hits?
UUs and Disaster: what we do and contact information to donate or find help.